Thursday, 12 December 2013

Southwestern Extension - what will be new tomorrow?

I thought it would be worth posting some information about the new docking stations which will be going live - many tomorrow, the rest by Spring 2014 (so TfL promise).

Hammersmith and Fulham have published this list.

Wandsworth have this information available.

Lambeth don't unfortunately seem to have any updated information online.

TfL have published this map showing the expanded scheme in its entirety.


  1. Excellent news, I can't wait! Is it a bit tragic that I've already cycled around Fulham scoping out all the new docking stations?

  2. All of them? That's commitment - I did Hackney, but only a handful up there. Enjoy your cycling tomorrow.

  3. I was being a bit hyperbolic when I said all, I just meant a lot of them! The new station on Islington Green was a surprise also.
